Diversity and Inclusion
Create a culture of diversity and inclusion in your workplace
Diversity is traditionally concerned with group identity, defined by common characteristics like ethnicity, race, sex, age, religion. But diversity isn’t the same thing as inclusion. If employees are frightened of retaliation, if policies don’t promote diversity or aren’t enforced, or if a firm’s workforce and branding don’t reflect a diverse culture, even the most diverse workforce is excluded from contributing their great value to the company.
Embracing diversity is associated with better profitability, opportunities in new markets, a better customer experience, lower employee turnover, and an enhanced reputation.
Employees are highly perceptive to diversity, inclusion , and equality as workplace issues. This is especially true in an era of a renewed focus on civil rights and the influence of a younger generation that prioritizes authenticity.
A “check-the-box” approach to diversity and inclusion damages trust among customers and employees and sets the company up for potential liability and litigation in the future.
Customers and employees should see themselves reflected in the leadership team, salesforce, marketing materials, and anywhere they encounter the company. It’s the right thing to do. But it’s not always easy.
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What You Need
Code of Conduct
A document that is easily shared and updated that includes specific language about diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination.
Train employees on diversity and inclusion, anti-discrimination and combatting unconscious bias.
Incident Management
Collect, prioritize and respond to incidents quickly and consistently with a web Intake interface.
Governance, Risk & Compliance
Track and report on specific cases and resolutions related to diversity and inclusion.
Policy & Procedure Management
Consistent enforcement and a zero-tolerance discrimination policy are the best way to ensure adoption of the program.
Anonymous Reporting
Incidents related to discrimination are best reported through an anonymous hotline where it can be dealt with internally, rather than on social media or in the courtroom.
Steps You Can Take to Address Corporate Fraud
Maintain and communicate strong corporate fraud policies and ensure all employees attest to these policies with a policy management system. Follow up the policies with regular visual training on corporate fraud risks
Make it easy for employees and outsiders to report fraud directly to your organization with an external hotline that allows anonymous reporting
Maintain control of your third parties by implementing a third party risk management program, and ensure those third parties attest to your corporate fraud policies
Minimize intense pressure to hit financial targets or revenue levels. Many recent examples of corporate fraud were a result of employees needing to hit unreachable objectives